General questions
What is ERA-GLONASS and its purpose?
What is the operational principle of the system? How do the emergency services get the information?
How much do ERA-GLONASS services cost?
What is the purpose of the screening call-centers?
How many cars will be equipped with terminals in 2015?
When will all cars be equipped with ERA-GLONASS terminals?
Can I install ERA-GLONASS terminal to my car and get the service myself?
Can I get help in case of attack on the car?
ERA-GLONASS equipment
What are the similarities and differences between the device and the system of emergency services calls of ERA-GLONASS?
What does the equipment package include?
How does ERA-GLONASS equipment work in case of an accident?
Who is the producer of ERA-GLONASS equipment?
Technical standards base
Which document prescribes compulsory equipment of vehicles with ERA-GLONASS systems/devices?
What are the technical requirements to vehicle devices/systems of emergency calling ERA-GLONASS? What are the standards?
How does the confirmation of conformity of ERA-GLONASS systems/devices to the requirements take place?
Where does the certification take place? (ERA-GLONASS device/system and the vehicle, equipped with emergency calling system/device)
Legal framework
What are the legal acts regulating the work of ERA-GLONASS system?
Commercial services
What are the possible commercial services based on ERA-GLONASS system?
Where do I apply if I want to render my services based on ERA-GLONASS system? How do I integrate/associate with ERA-GLONASS infrastructure?
Which sim-card will be used in a device?
Are there established tariffs for the use of infrastructure and network connection?
Ask a question
General questions
What is ERA-GLONASS and its purpose? ERA-GLONASS is a public urgent response system in case of car accidents and other emergencies on the road. ERA-GLONASS was created for quicker report on the accident to the emergency services, which means fewer casualties and injuries of the drivers and passengers of vehicles during accidents or other situations happening on the road. According to expert reviews, ERA-GLONASS will help save 4 thousand people every year due to 30% quicker response to accidents. September 18, 2012 Russian Government edict No 1732-р established Federal network navigation operator GLONASS UNION as the sole performer of the ERA-GLONASS project. What is the operational principle of the system? How do the emergency services get the information? The vehicle is equipped with ERA-GLONASS navigation communication terminal. In case of an accident the terminal automatically makes an emergency call, which becomes a priority of an available mobile network and is transferred to ERA-GLONASS system. In case of an accident or other emergency the driver or the passenger can make the call themselves by pushing the SOS button. Information about the exact location, time and severity of an accident, as well as VIN of the vehicle is being reported. After false calls screening by the ERA-GLONASS call-center operator, the calls needing response along with the data on the accident are transferred to 112 system or the MIA call-center, where they efficiently initiate and coordinate the response of emergency services, using that information. In order to ensure reliability of ERA-GLONASS, there is the back-up system for all elements. How much do ERA-GLONASS services cost? For car owners ERA-GLONASS is free through the whole exploitation of the vehicle, equipped with the terminal. What is the purpose of the screening call-centers? Statistically up to 75% of calls to commercial (non-public) emergency services are false. Knowing the perspectives of equipment of vehicles with terminals, along with an opportunity to make emergency calls not only during accidents, but in other emergency situations, the load upon 112 system and emergency systems on a national scale would grow considerably. Specialized screening ERA-GLONASS call-centers will help reduce load upon system 112 operators, who will only take calls needing urgent immediate response. How many cars will be equipped with terminals in 2015? The number of cars, equipped with ERA-GLONASS terminals will constantly grow with the requirements of Technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the wheeled vehicles safety". As estimated by experts, equipment of around 320 thousand vehicles is planned for the first year of compulsory equipment with ERA-GLONASS terminals. When will all cars be equipped with ERA-GLONASS terminals? Amendments to Customs Union Technical regulations "On the wheeled vehicles safety", adopted January 30, 2013, established the procedure for compulsory equipment of vehicles with ERA-GLONASS terminals. Since М1 vehicles, covered by ECE UN Regulations No 94 and 95, along with N1 ones, covered by ECE UN No 95, which shall be equipped with emergency services calling system: Can I install ERA-GLONASS terminal to my car and get the service myself? The owner of the vehicle in operation has the right and opportunity by their own initiative to connect to ERA-GLONASS public system. In order to do that, they must purchase the terminal and contact authorized center for it to be installed. The center determines the cost of installment, regulated by the market competition. Can I get help in case of attack on the car? In case of any emergency situation on the road, threatening life and health, the driver and the passengers of the vehicle can manually (by pushing ergonomic button) via wireless connection in the priority call mode get in contact with an operator of ERA-GLONASS screening call-center. The location of the vehicle is automatically reported.
ERA-GLONASS equipment
What are the similarities and differences between the device and the system of emergency services calls of ERA-GLONASS? In main functional features (establishing location, speed and direction of vehicle via signals of at least two global navigation satellite systems, the usage of mobile telephone network GSM/UMTS to manually report about a vehicle during accidents or other emergency situations (via "Emergency call" button), as well as to establish two-way voice communication with emergency services) the device and the system of emergency services calls are absolutely identical. The main difference of emergency services call system from the device is automatic activation during accidents that the system has. Automatic activation can be driven by the signals from airbags sensors or other passive restraint system components of the vehicle, as well as from special sensors, determining vehicle acceleration during crashes. Besides, emergency services call system is more integrated into the structure of the vehicle and usage of basic components of the vehicle for exercising the system's functions. For instance, the use of basic speakers and microphone in order to ensure loud speaking connection with emergency services operators. According to these differences, different are the categories of vehicles, for which systems and devices of emergency calls are meant. What does the equipment package include? The main components of systems/devices of emergency services calls, fulfilling their functions, established by the Technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the wheeled vehicles safety" (TR CU 018/2011) include: navigation module (receiver of GLONASS signals and other global navigation satellite systems - GNSS); communication module (GSM/UMTS modem); built-in irremovable general-purpose multifunctional SIM/e UICC chip; tonal modem; antennas (antenna) global navigation satellite system/GSM/UMTS; user interface block with "Emergency call" button; status indicators block; process controller; internal non-volatile and RAM memory; back-up power source; sensor for accident automatic identification, etc. There are different possible variants of these components arrangement, depending on the method (configuration) of system/device installment (as complementary equipment or basic system/device) and is mainly determined by the requirements, imposed on them by the producer of the vehicle. Recommended supply package of system/device, intended as complementary equipment, is specified by State Standard GOST Р 54620-2011 (Section 21.1). Supply package for standard basic systems is determined by the producer of the vehicle. Loud speaking communication (by the decision of the producer of the vehicle) can utilize standard microphone and speakers of the vehicle. Establishment of the vehicle location is possible through navigation module and external antenna GNSS (one of standard media components of the vehicle). However in cases like these standard components of the vehicle shall be tested as part of system/device of emergency service calling when the said comply with the requirements. How does ERA-GLONASS equipment work in case of an accident? During an accident the terminal automatically makes an emergency call, which is the priority of the available mobile network system and transferred to ERA-GLONASS system. In case of an accident or other emergency the driver or the passenger can make the call themselves by pushing the SOS button. Information about the exact location, time and severity of an accident, as well as VIN of the vehicle is being reported. Besides, during an emergency call, voice connection between the people in the vehicle and the ERA-GLONASS operators or emergency services operators. After false calls screening by the ERA-GLONASS call-center operator, the calls needing response along with the data on the accident are transferred to 112 system or the MIA call-center, where they efficiently initiate and coordinate the response of emergency services, using that information Who is the producer of ERA-GLONASS equipment? A terminal, compliant with the requirements of Technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the wheeled vehicles safety", which is confirmed by the conformity certificate, is installed on the vehicle before it's put into circulation at the stage of production or at the dealership before the sale. The producer and/or the dealer choose ERA-GLONASS the terminal, which will be installed on the vehicle. Dozens of major companies produce ERA-GLONASS terminals, including Russian Santel-Navigatsiya, Space-team, Fort Telecom, ITELMA, etc. and foreign Continental, Denso, Valeo, Peiker, etc. The list of ERA-GLONASS terminals producers is in the special section of the website.
Technical standards base
Which document prescribes compulsory equipment of vehicles with ERA-GLONASS systems/devices? The main document, establishing the requirements of compulsory equipment of vehicles with emergency calling systems and devices, along with requirements to those systems and devices is the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the wheeled vehicles safety" (TR CU 018/2011). TR CU 018/2011 (as amended No 1 of 30 January 2013) establishes the following terms of vehicles equipment with ERA-GLONASS systems and devices: - М1 vehicles, covered by ECE UN Regulations No 94 and 95, along with N1 ones, covered by ECE UN No 95 shall be equipped with emergency services calling system; - М1 vehicles, not covered by ECE UN Regulations No 94 and 95; N1 vehicles, not covered by ECE UN Regulations No 95, as well as М2, М3, N2, N3 shall be equipped with emergency services calling system. What are the technical requirements to vehicle devices/systems of emergency calling ERA-GLONASS? What are the standards? The requirements to vehicles in terms of installment of devices and systems of emergency calling are specified by the Articles 16 and 17 of Appendix 3 to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the wheeled vehicles safety" (TR CU 018/2011). Eurasian economic union treaty (Astana, 29 May 2014), effective since 1 January 2015, established (Article 52) that in order to comply with the technical regulations of the Customs Union and evaluate conformance, international and regional (interstate) standards can apply on a voluntary basis, if unavailable – national (state) standards of CU member countries. For more details on the standard technical documents in the field of navigation and GLONASS usage please go to the applicable website section. How does the confirmation of conformity of ERA-GLONASS systems/devices to the requirements take place? Confirmation of conformity of ERA-GLONASS devices/systems to the requirements of Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the wheeled vehicles safety" (TR CU 018/2011) takes place in the form of compulsory certification by the 2c scheme. Certified testing laboratory (center) carries out testing of the product samples. Then accredited authority for certification of quality management systems certifies the quality management systems of the producer and issues quality management system certificate to the applicant. Accredited authority for product certification grants the applicant with the conformity certificate for mass-produced items and inspects certified products. Where does the certification take place? (ERA-GLONASS device/system and the vehicle, equipped with emergency calling system/device) According to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the wheeled vehicles safety" (TR CU 018/2011) confirmation of conformity of ERA-GLONASS devices/systems to the requirements is carried out by the certifying authorities and testing laboratories, accredited within the national systems of CU member countries accreditation and included in Unified Register of Certification Authorities and Testing Laboratories of the Customs Union. Certifying authorities and testing laboratories are accredited by the national accreditation authorities in accordance with national applicable law of the Customs Union member countries. In 2014 the first certifying laboratory for ERA-GLONASS devices appeared. ERA testing laboratory of the Svyaz-Sertifikat certifying center finished accreditation, followed by RusAccreditation issuing the applicable certificate. ERA laboratory is meant for testing the components that ensure satellite navigation and emergency services calling. Vehicles, equipped with emergency services calling devices, can be certified in NAMI's Testing Centre. So far there have been over 15 successful testings of full-set cars.
Legal framework
What are the legal acts regulating the work of ERA-GLONASS system? The establishment of ERA-GLONASS system in October 2009 was approved by the Presidential Commission of the Russian Federation for the modernization and technological development of the Russian economy. Federal law N 395-ФЗ "On the State automated information data system ERA-GLONASS" of 28 January 2013 came into effect 1 January 2014. By the edict of the Russian Government No 1732-р of 18 September 2012, the sole performer of ERA-GLONASS project is the Non-Commercial Partnership For Development And Use Of Navigation Technologies (Glonass Union) – federal network navigation operator. 1 January 2015 according to the Decree of the Russian Government No 1530 of 26 December 2014 State accident urgent response system ERA-GLONASS is brought into production by the system operator the Russian Ministry of Transportation. The list of the main applicable legal acts in the field of navigation work and technologies GLONASS.
Commercial services
What are the possible commercial services based on ERA-GLONASS system? High-tech infrastructure of ERA-GLONASS system, covering the whole Russian territory, can form the basis for establishment of different services, both public and commercial. This section features some of these potential services. Information distribution By the service subscription and setting of information parameters, with the help of the ERA-GLONASS terminal, installed in the vehicle, the driver can receive realtime information: Retracing the events of accidents In case of an accident services based on ERA-GLONASS system can help: Charge systems Service for collection of data on toll roads routes and collection of fees. As an example, fees for public roads for vehicles over 12 tonnes. The device, installed on the vehicle, transfers information about passing virtual borders to the telematics service as the vehicle moves. Based on this data the owner of the vehicle pays for the actual distance travelled. ERA-GLONASS can be used for data collection both on federal and regional roads. Tachographic control system ERA-GLONASS terminals can be used on enterprises to collect data on working hours and transport routes. This allows constant control over work and rest schedule of the drivers. Hazardous freight transportation control ERA-GLONASS infrastructure can serve the basis for hazardous freight transport monitoring system. Based on the information, obtained from the ERA-GLONASS terminals, the system displays realtime data on the location of the vehicle, its speed features, actuation of emergency button, issued hazardous freight transportation certificate and other parameters on an electronic map. Based on this data, the system automatically documents violations, analyses them and controls abidance of statutory transportation rules. Passenger transportation monitoring According to Government Resolution No 720 of 10 September 2009, all passenger transportation vehicles shall be equipped with GLONASS satellite navigation system. General passenger operations monitoring system, based on ERA-GLONASS infrastructure, will allow to: Remote vehicle check Automatic check of systems and warning of the driver about the possible problems. Vehicle diagnostics information enters the system. In case of a problem (low level of fluids, wear of parts, malfunction of electric components) the service notifies the owner in a convenient way. Special services call If necessary the driver can use the ERA-GLONASS terminal to call commercial services in case he needs them on the road, like in case of a break-down, ERA-GLONASS operator can transfer the call to the towing service or the road assistance services. Insurance telematics Insurance telematics is the vehicle insurance with the use of telematics systems. It provides opportunity to get significant insurance discount if driving carefully or low intensity of vehicle use. Telematic device obtains information about frequency and abruptness of acceleration/deceleration, daily run, routes, speed, which is assessed and transferred to the insurance company. The insurance company analyses the data and works out the size of discount. Where do I apply if I want to render my services based on ERA-GLONASS system? How do I integrate/associate with ERA-GLONASS infrastructure? This section of GLONASS website was specifically created to inform the public about ERA-GLONASS features and collection of data on the commercial services, which could potentially be executed on its basis. Should you have any suggestions on commercial services execution based on ERA-GLONASS technological infrastructure, please send them to GLONASS specialists. Which sim-card will be used in a device? ERA-GLONASS terminals will use ERA-GLONASS operator sim-cards. Are there established tariffs for the use of infrastructure and network connection? The tariffs for the use of the infrastructure will be established as soon as amendments to the Russian legislature are made, making it possible to render commercial services based on ERA-GLONASS technological infrastructure.
For all questions you can contact the experts of GLONASS Union:
Tel.: +7 (495) 258-11-88
Fax: +7 (495) 258-11-89